This is the second part of the guide – “How to add Jetpack Portfolio Custom Post Type into WordPress “.
A recap of the first part of the guide:
- We updated WordPress and Jetpack to latest version.
- We added new plugins Post Type Switcher and Safe Redirect Manager for conversion of posts to new Portfolio CPT and to add redirection respectively.
- We made changes in the slug of our existing Categories and Page, to avoid conflict of Permalinks that will be created once Jetpack Portfolio CPT was enabled.
- We enabled the Jetpack Portfolio CPT.
Now, let us proceed to converting existing Posts and Pages to Portfolio CPT
Conversion of published posts into Portfolio Projects.
- Navigate to Dashboard -> Posts.
- If you have a category for Portfolio Posts, then filter Posts under Portfolio Category.
- Copy and save your Tags of a post before you click on Edit for the post
- You will be in the editing mode of the post.
- Under the Publish tab, Click on ‘Edit’ next to Post type: Post. (This editing option has been enabled by Post Type Switcher plugin. By default WordPress does not let you switch between post types.)
- You will see a drop down menu.
- Select ‘Project’ from the menu. And click OK.
- Click on Update to save changes on your post.
- Once the page refreshes, now you will see the post in Edit Project window (Earlier you were in the Edit Post Window) as the Post type has successfully changed to Portfolio CPT and the post is now a Portfolio Project.
- You will also notice that the permalink of the Portfolio project has now changed into the format
- Instead of Category Section, you will a similar Project Types section. You can assign an earlier created Project Type to your Project, or add a new project type and assign it to your project now.
- You will notice that the Project tags are now empty. Once the post has been converted to a CPT, the original post tags cannot be shown as they are linked to a different post type. Hence, this is why we had copied the original tags before converting the post to Portfolio CPT.
- You can paste the comma separated list of tags that was previously copied and saved.
- WordPress settings of Featured Image are retained when converting between post types. So, there is no need of adding a featured image all over again!
- Click on Update to save changes.
- Congratulations, you have now successfully converted your first post into a Portfolio CPT.
- View your new Portfolio project by accessing the URL/permalink of the form
Repeat the above steps for all the Pages that you want to convert to Portfolio CPT projects.
Conversion of published Pages into Portfolio Projects.
- Navigate to Dashboard-> Pages.
- Navigate to the specific Page, and click Edit below its Title, to edit the page.
- You will be in the Page Editing Window.
- Under the Publish tab, Click on ‘Edit’ next to Post type: Page
- You will see a drop down menu.
- Select ‘Project’ from the menu. And click OK.
- Click on Update to save changes on your post.
- Once the page refreshes, you will see the post in Edit Project window (Earlier you were in the Edit Page Window) as the Post type has successfully changed from Page to Portfolio CPT and it is now a Portfolio Project.
- You will also notice that the permalink of the Portfolio project has now changed from into the format
- You will see a Project Type sub-section. You can assign an earlier created Project Type to your Project, or add a new project type and assign it to your project now.
- You will notice that the Project tags are empty. Earlier the Post was a Page, and WordPress Pages don’t have tags associated with them.
- You can create and add a comma separated list of tags.
- WordPress settings of Featured Image are retained when converting between post types. So, there is no need of adding a featured image all over again!
- Click on Update to save changes.
- Congratulations, you have now successfully converted a WordPress Page into a Portfolio CPT.
- You can view your Portfolio project by visiting the URL/permalink of the form
Repeat the above steps to convert Pages to Post Types.
Congratulations! You have now converted all your old Portfolio Posts and Pages into the new Portfolio CPT.
In the next part (concluding part) of this guide we all do some additional cleanups and add redirection to changed permalinks.
Next : How to add Jetpack Portfolio Custom Post Type into WordPress – Part 3
This 3-part guide was written by me under a new series of articles under the category “WordPress For Photographers”. I am a photographer using WordPress for my portfolio website and blog. Through this series I want share with the photographer community my experiences, learning and best practices of maintaining a WordPress site. Though the target audience of this series are photographers, this should be of help to other independent creatives and bloggers who have WordPress Blog or Portfolio website. Do share this article with them.
- If you want to follow my updates on Social Media, do follow me on Google Plus at +NishantRatnakarPhotographer.
- If you need to contact me for assignments, photography related queries, or for anything in general :), then do write me using the contact form at this link.
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