In this digital age, most consumers of photography will probably never print their photographs. Today, most of the visual communication takes place online over internet and social media networks. I have an old suitcase at home. It contains stacks of picture albums with photographs of our family, friends and relatives. The newest album in the… Continue reading A Photo Book for someone you love
Tag: personal photography project
When Camels followed Che Guevara to Malpe beach
Things change rapidly. And we adopt what most people seem to be doing. Would all places in the world eventually look the same?
My homeland : Where the grass is green, And skies are Blue
What is home? And what is homeland? Are they same? To where do I belong? September 2013, Sri Lanka ” How far is Mumbai from Bangalore?” asked Banuka, our guide and driver in Sri Lanka. “A thousand kilometers by road,” I replied. “Thousand kilometers! I can travel up and down my country twice, in that… Continue reading My homeland : Where the grass is green, And skies are Blue
Mobile Phone Memories
It was some ten to fifteen years ago, that I saw a mobile phone for the first time in my life. My dad had made his prized purchase – a huge handset (unsure if it was a Nokia or a Panasonic device) with a prepaid mobile phone connection. It not only had the ability of… Continue reading Mobile Phone Memories