A Photo Book for someone you love

Cover Page of the self-published photo Book - "It's All About Her". I designed and published this through Blurb.com . This was a surprise gift for my wife. Personalised Photo Books do make a great gift.

In this digital age, most consumers of photography will probably never print their photographs. Today, most of the visual communication takes place online over internet and social media networks. I have an old suitcase at home. It contains stacks of picture albums with photographs of our family, friends and relatives. The newest album in the… Continue reading A Photo Book for someone you love

Langkawi memories

Langkawi Memories. © Nishant Ratnakar

Langkawi Memories is a short travel-video produced by me. It shows glimpses of Langkawi island (Malaysia) from the point-of-view of a honeymoon couple – my wife & I.